Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO)

Domestic Violence should not happen to anybody and there is no excuse for it. Just as in battery cases, words, no matter how insulting or derogatory, do not justify putting someone in fear for his/her safety. Aggressive, swift and action is needed when it comes to being granted or defending a Domestic Violence Restraining Order.
Examples of Domestic Violence
- Stalking
- Harassing
- Physical Harm
- Threat of Physical Harm
- Verbal Abuse
Domestic Violence is very real, and victims are in fear of their safety and the safety of their child(ren). If Domestic Violence has occurred, you should call 911, as soon as possible. When threats or abuse occurs, it’s important for you to quickly find a Family Law attorney that will be on your side and help protect you and your child(ren).
When it comes to Restraining Orders, SOONER is ALWAYS better than later. Our experienced Attorneys can help you by filing for a request for an Emergency Restraining Order which offers protection for victims that are fearing for their safety. Generally, Temporary Restraining Orders can be granted, by the court, within 24 hours. Having a Restraining Order helps gives the victim the peace of mind, knowing that the abuser can’t cause further harm by ensuring he/she is prevented from coming to protected places, such as: the home, place of work, car, or child(ren)’s school.
If long term Restraining Orders are needed, our experienced Family Law Attorneys can help present evidence of abuse and help convey the fear of continued abuse. If a child has bee abused by a parent, the visitation, Child Custody and/or Child Support can be affected, in order to protect the child.
If You Are Accused of Domestic ViolenceOn the other side of things, allegations of Domestic Violence can also be very scary. Even being wrongly accused, you have rights! With Divorce and Separations comes many angry feelings and disputes. These feeling and disputes can often times result in false or unsubstantiated accusations. If you are innocent, you have the right to defend yourself. Remember, if you don’t do anything to defend yourself, you will likely face the negative consequences, including the possibility of loosing your ability to see your child(ren) in the future.
Enforcing a Domestic Violence Restraining OrderIn California, Domestic Violence is a crime. Penal code section §273.5 states that any violation of the Restraining Order could result in jail time, fines, a criminal record, etc.. California’s Domestic Violence Prevention Act has been established to help victims of Domestic Violence. Hiring a Family Law Attorney that understands this Act is very important and will give you the peace of mind you need.
Hiring An Experienced Domestic Violence Restraining Order AttorneyWhether you are the victim or have been wrongly accused of Domestic Violence, you not only need legal help and advice, you need support and encouragement as well. Our Family Law Attorneys are very experienced and skilled in helping in all aspects of Domestic Violence and will be a powerful advocate on your behalf.
For assistance on a Domestic Violence or Restraining Order issue, contact our office today (925-258-2020) and setup a consultation with one of our Family Law Attorneys.